Kaiju Noir - Update 13-04-2021 - AMA & More

Hai folks, Kaiju here with another update

It's been a month and writing wise Kaiju Noir is done. Different paths are in place, there's a lot more interaction in game for you to get into, we even got all the characters given proper kaiju names (possibly the most difficult part of writing the game)

All those things I had up on the whiteboard have been cleared off and I feel damn proud of where the story ended up from where we started.

So where does that leave us now?

Aside from checking the spelling on a few thousand lines of dialogue, and finalising the music, the rest of the dev time is mostly going to be spent sorting out the art. Both character sprites, and backgrounds.

When I started this all the backgrounds for Kaiju Noir were either photos I've taken in Melbourne's alleyways (of which we have some amazing ones) or randomly sourced pics that I've put through a lot of filters. But that's not the direction I want to go in the end.

So between now and release I'll be working my tail off to get a graphics tablet to do all the backgrounds afresh by hand, finalising character art, getting the music just right, and trying to figure out how many ways I can spell the same words wrong along the course of the game.

Since we've got some time while we go through these steps I'm going to be running an AMA (Ask Monsters Anything) for a while

So if you have any questions about the game, the characters, or the development about Kaiju Noir I'm happy to answer unless they I'd count them as spoilers

Pop any questions in the comments

Until next time, monstrous friends, stay safe out there.


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